Legal Notice

Legal Notice

  1. General informations

Name of the site: BJJ Style URL of the site: Owner of the site: Axel Matano Address of the owner: 215 rue des genêts, 74460 Marnaz, Haute-Savoie, FRANCE Email address of the owner: Owner's phone number: 0637127706

  1. Intellectual property

All content on this site, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, videos, audio clips, icons and software, is the exclusive property of Axel Matano or its contributors and is protected by international copyright laws. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, publication or any other unauthorized use of these contents is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of Axel Matano.

  1. Collection of personal data

This site may collect personal data such as names, email addresses and other information provided voluntarily by users through contact or registration forms. This data will be used only for the purpose specified at the time of collection and will not be disclosed to third parties without the prior consent of the user.

  1. Use of cookies

This site uses cookies to improve user experience, personalize content, provide social media features and analyze traffic. By using this site, you consent to the use of cookies.

  1. Responsibility

The information provided on this site is provided for information purposes only. Axel Matano cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, completeness or relevance of the information provided on the site. Use of the information provided on this site is at your own risk.

  1. external links

This site may contain links to external sites. Axel Matano is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these sites.

  1. Applicable law

These legal notices are governed by the laws in force in France. Any dispute arising from the use of this site will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Haute-Savoie.